RoboCup ARM Challenge

RoboCup Autonomous Robot Manipulation (ARM) Challenge

In cooperation with MathWorks and together with the RoboCup@Work league, an additional technical manipulation challenge is offered to RoboCup@Home teams starting from 2022. The objective of the challenge is to use a manipulator, programmed in MATLAB and Simulink, for sorting objects that lie on a table into separate bins near the manipulator. This year, the challenge is simulation-based, using Gazebo as a simulation environment.

The overall winner of the challenge will receive a research grant of up to $5,000. All other participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Teams already registered for RoboCup@Home can participate in the challenge without any additional cost. Note that the challenge does not contribute points towards the overall score of the @Home competition; however, the best @Home team that participates in the challenge may receive a separate certificate for the achievement (even if they are not the overall winner of the challenge).

More details about the challenge are provided on the official page: This includes information about the registration procedure, the competition timeline, and, most importantly, the rules of the challenge.